24 Spoilers

What did you think of 24: Live Another Day Episode 12 (Finale)?

Discuss 24: Live Another Day Episode 12

What did you think about the 24: Live Another Day Finale? Share your thoughts below.

The final episode of 24: Live Another Day aired tonight. It was written by Manny Coto and Evan Katz and directed by Jon Cassar.

The big twist of the episode was Audrey being killed off. Last week we asked you to predict who will die in the finale and most thought it would be Heller – only 21% of you picked Audrey. The episode ends with Jack Bauer getting on a helicopter to Moscow and a second silent clock, leaving his future up in the air. Could a tenth season be set in Moscow?

We’ve got a bunch of polls for you to vote in, and we’d like to hear your comments as well. Did the writers nail the ending? Did you cry?

Thoughts on 24: Live Another Day Episode 12?

Prefer this to the original series finale? (Day 8)

How do you feel about Audrey's death?

Would this be a satisfying series finale?

We’ll have more polls in the coming days, along with a separate discussion thread asking about your thoughts on the season as a whole. We are doing it this way to prevent emotional knee-jerk reactions and give you the chance to gather your thoughts and re-watch episodes.

Finale Interviews

Here’s a roundup of interviews with the writers and director where you might get an idea of their thought process behind the finale.

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