24 Season 8 Episode 21 and 22 Casting Call

Episodes 19 and 20 are currently shooting now which means casting notices for the next two episodes are going out. It’s been months since we’ve got one of these! Thanks SpoilerTV:

[BERKOV] Russian Aide to the Russian Delegate working at the UN in NY. Mid 30s to mid 40s. Must be able to do a slight Russian accent.. Should be more upscale. In Episode 22…NICE CO STAR ROLE

[IVAN] Russian chauffeur to the Russian Delegate in his late 20s to early 40s. Must be able to do a slight Russian accent. In Episode 22…NICE CO STAR ROLE.

[RUSSIAN SOLDIERS/MERCENARIES #1 & 2] Russian men in their late 20s to early 40s, they are working for a rogue Russian agent in an attempt to ambush Jack Bauer.. Must be able to do a slight Russian accent. In Episode 21…NICE CO STAR ROLE.

[FEMALE RUSSIAN SOLDIER / MERCENARY #3] Russian woman in her late 20s to late 30s, who is working with the male Russian soldiers/mercenaries to try to ambush Jack Bauer sptv050769. Must be able to do a slight Russian accent. In Episode 21…NICE CO STAR ROLE.


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Where’s Tony? He should appear in the last episodes for god sake. That sucks.

Don’t you get it? TONY IS NOT IN THIS SEASON. Haven’t you read the spoilers about it? For pete’s sake.

I don’t believe it. He removed the sentence from his site and they didn’t finish shooting the season. It would be dumbest move to remove Tony from the finale.