24 Spoilers

Mary Lynn Rajskub interviewed

Mary Lynn Rajskub Creative Emmys 2009

Digital Spy recently had the chance to interview Mary Lynn Rajskub, 24‘s Chloe O’Brian on her role in the series.

How were you originally cast as Chloe?
“I had never watched 24. I mostly did comedy stuff before. Having just had a really bad CSI audition, I got called to audition for 24. My mom was a huge fan of the show and so she said, ‘You have to go, this is the greatest show’. My agent sent me some copies of the show [and] I went having crammed as much as I could before the interview. I met [producer] Joel Surnow and he said, ‘You’re great, I’m writing a part for you. I know there’s nothing on the page, but you’re great’. I felt very validated and fantastic about myself!”

Do you have a favorite scene or moment from your time on 24?
“A lot of people tell me their favorite was me shooting the bad guy in season four. That was up there. Whenever I get to act outside of CTU, I really like it. I like it when I’m emotional too. Like when Edgar died! Through the glass, that was a good one. Watching his body fall!”

Check out the full interview over at Digital Spy.

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