24 Spoilers

Shohreh Aghdashloo and Jonathan Adhout talk to Extra

Shohreh Aghdashloo and Jonathan Ahdout on Extra
Shohreh Aghdashloo and Jonathan Ahdout on Extra

Exclusive: They’re the desperate faces of terrorists threatening to destroy America on the latest gripping season of “24.” But playing the murderous mother is a risky role for Iranian-born actress Shohreh Aghdashloo, who revealed why she took the part when she stopped by “Extra” with newcomer Jonathan Ahdout, who plays her son.

Aghdashloo once said she would never play a terrorist. So what changed her mind? “The fact that she’s a strong character, a complex character,” Shohreh revealed.

On screen, Shohreh’s husband tried to kill them both, all the while Aghdashloo tried to melt down some nuclear reactors. So are they just one big happy family? “Yes indeed,” she laughed. “We try not to be bored.”

Actually, Shohreh and Jonathan are like family. They first shared the screen as mother and son in the critically-acclaimed film, “House of Sand and Fog,” which earned her an Oscar nomination.

“We had no idea we were both cast,” Jonathan related. “I had her over for dinner one night, and I told her, ‘Shohreh, I got a part on ’24,’ and she goes, ‘What’s your role?’ And I go, ‘Behrooz.’ And that’s when she told me she plays my mom.”

But you can bet mom is mum about “24’s” secret scripts. Shohreh is one of the few cast members who knows how the season will end. “I have to know what I’m getting myself involved in,” she insisted. “Therefore, they had to tell me what the story is all about.”

So will they live or die? We’ll find out one heart pounding second at a time!

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