24 Spoilers

Katee Sackhoff: ‘I didn’t know that Dana Walsh was the mole’

Here’s a new “Ask Katee” where Katee Sackhoff reveals that she didn’t know Dana Walsh was a mole when taking the role (although she knew Dana was bad). The 24 question is the first one.

Tiffany: Hey Katee, did you know that Dana was going to be the mole from the beginning when you landed the role? If yes, was it hard to not show you were the mole? If no, when did you find out?
Katee Sackhoff: No, I didn’t know that I was the mole, but I knew that I was bad — and I knew I was really bad. I just didn’t know how bad. It’s so weird, every day you go to work and they’re like “so today you’re gonna do this” and you’re like “Ah! I thought it was that” so it was hard for me. I realized that I had to completely commit to everything that I was doing in the moment because that was the only way to sell who she was.

But no, I didn’t know I was the mole. But if I had known, it still would’ve been easy! I’ve gotten so good at lying to fans and family members at this point. It’s like an attribute – lie about what my characters really do. *laughs*

YouTube Link: Katee Sackhoff “Ask Katee” Home Edition Part 5

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