24 Spoilers

Peter Weller on convincing ’24’ writers to spare Christopher Henderson

Peter Weller as Christopher Henderson in 24 Season 5

Peter Weller as Christopher Henderson in 24 Season 5

Peter Weller talks about his stint on 24‘s fifth season and convincing the writers room to keep his character around longer than originally planned.

You’re playing a character, you always want him to get away. But I can’t always be as fortunate as I was in 24, where I sorta convinced Joel Surnow and Howard Gordon and Manny Coto when I was playing this guy Christopher Henderson: I said, “He can’t just be tortured like every other schlub that comes in here.” And then Howard came up with the idea that I would “kill” Tony, and then thankfully they kept writing me in. So that was great, because they just spun that guy into some sort of mythical metamorphosis and then he died at the end.

Warning: Sons of Anarchy spoilers in the source link below.

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