Jean Smart on Ellen Degeneres Show

Jean Smart is interviewed on The Ellen Degeneres Show about 24 Season 5.

YouTube Link: Jean Smart on the Ellen Degeneres Show in 2006


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[..YouTube..] Thank you for uploading this!

[..YouTube..] You’re welcome! See also my othere clip of Jean too: “Jean Smart on isaac in 2007”

[..YouTube..] Btw, a great choice of the song “genie in a bottle (Christina Aguilera)” as a introducing song for Jean.

[..YouTube..] that was to funny wen she came out dancin!

[..YouTube..] @sexy4yourmama Yes, I find that too. And her comment about the fact that she was pregnant at the picture (with hubby Richard) which Ellen held in her hands. That’s hilarious!!

[..YouTube..] Did you know Jean smart was a character off of a very oddball toon called The Oblongs with will ferrel and also with the voice of the kid of off king of the hill :)