24 Spoilers

Reason for no ’24’ blooper reel

After being asked by fans on Twitter, Howard Gordon took to his other Twitter account, @24Season8 (shh… I think it’s supposed to be a secret) to explain why bloopers weren’t included on the DVD. The answer is pretty insulting in my opinion.

No 24 Blooper Reel Explanation

What the heck? Blooper reels are a very common part of television shows and movies – fans are smart enough to realize the difference. There was even one on the 24 Season 6 DVD (the Ricky Gervais cameo). It’s not like the bloopers would be integrated into the actual episodes, we access bloopers through a special feature menu. Clear distinction from the show.

24‘s constantly serious nature is precisely why a blooper reel would be so fun to watch. I can understand withholding bloopers until 24‘s final season (like Kiefer promised before) but to not give us any period? Weak move.

Source: 24Season8 Twitter

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