24’s David Palmer makes THR’s “7 Best Presidents in Movies and TV” List

President David Palmer 24

Well deserved listing on THR’s list. Best fictional President ever!

Dennis Haysbert as David Palmer in 24

Dennis Haysbert plays David Palmer, voted by Blockbuster customers as respondent’s Favorite On-Screen President. Calm, resourceful, and dedicated, Palmer is an all-American former basketball star who served as a Maryland senator prior to his presidency.

Source: THR


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He deserves it. Some say Jimmy Smits’s character in the West Wing was who paved the way for Obama. Well look back to November 6 2001, people! 8 years earlier, Surnow and cochran were already writing about it!
Then I guess that in another 8 years and we’ll have a woman president (ala Cherry Jones).

Keep up the posts and the good work!!!

What’s funny is that Obama is every bit as composed and even more so than David Palmer.

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