24 Spoilers

24 Cast Interviewed by FOX News

Yvonne Strahovski interviewed by FOX News

Yvonne Strahovski interviewed by FOX News

Kiefer Sutherland, Mary Lynn Rajskub, Yvonne Strahovski, and Giles Matthey were interviewed by Fox News.

Kiefer Sutherland on playing Jack Bauer again:

It’s a character I feel very comfortable playing, it’s a character I care very much about. For me, the best part was when we started – it was the leading up to it that made me nervous!

Mary Lynn Rajskub on Chloe’s transformation:

You look and you feel, my character is completely different than she was before. So it’s exciting. I never thought it would happen, but here we are!

Giles Matthey on joining the cast:

It’s a big show and there is pressure, but it’s also a real honor. You can do one of two things with nerves – you can rise to them, or get destroyed by them. Luckily, and also being surrounded by the people I am with, it was very easy to rise to the occasion. So it’s a real honor and very fun!

Yvonne Strahovski describes the filming process:

I always say that shooting the show feels like watching the show. You’re on the edge of your seat constantly and it’s like “Go go go!” So it’s been quite intense.

Kiefer on the evolution of Jack Bauer this season:

He’s pretty pissed off, he’s angry and estranged and alone. And I think now that he’s cold, I think his ability to make that correct, right moral decision is in real jeopardy. Hopefully over the course of this season, you’ll watch the evolution of how that affects everything else. It’s certainly something that was very interesting for me as an actor to try and portray, and I hope people like it as much as we enjoyed doing it.

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