British actor Colin Salmon (007 franchise) has been added to Fox’s event series 24: Live Another Day, which will premiere May 5. The next chapter in the 24 franchise picks up the story four years after the series finale, which left Jack Bauer (Kiefer Sutherland) as a fugitive from justice, this time in London.
Salmon, repped by by Curtis Brown Group and Lighthouse Entertainment, will play General Coburn, an intelligent, powerful and fiercely loyal man who does not suffer fools no matter what rank. He can be seen opposite Benedict Cumberbach in Little Favour and James Franco in Playtime Capital and has recurred on Strike Back, Law and Order: UK, Some Girls and CW’s Arrow as Walter Steele.
Colin Salmon cast in 24: Live Another Day
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Comments ClosedShaun Clark
February 3, 2014 at 12:42 pmXAM
February 3, 2014 at 2:58 pmWith that in mind, Colin Salmon being cast is something I did NOT see coming. Awesome actor with great presence and a buttery smooth, badass voice! I hope he’s playing an antagonistic role, hell, I’d even accept him as the big bad.
Now we need an actor to play Jack’s British mirror image, Jamie Draven would absolutely nail that part and people would soon forget about this Tony and the cliched “redemption-death-to-save-Jack” bollocks!
February 3, 2014 at 4:18 pm