24: Live Another Day Episode 3 Ratings

24LAD Episode 3 Ratings
How did 24: Live Another Day do in the second week?

Over at Fox, the second installment “24: Live Another Day” on Fox scored a respectable 4.9/ 7 (#3) from 9-10 p.m., which built from lead-in “Bones” (#3: 4.4/ 7 at 8 p.m.) by 11 percent and year-ago time period occupant “Hell’s Kitchen” (2.9/ 5 on 5/13/13) by 69 percent. Compared to its two-hour week-ago season-opener (5.8/ 9 on May 5), this was a loss of 16 percent, however. But “24: Live Another Day” is a marked improvement from recent time period occupant “The Following.”

Half Hour Breakdowns:
9:00pm – 6.61 million viewers (#4), A18-49: 2.1/ 6 (#3)
9:30pm – 6.27 million viewers (#3), A18-49: 2.0/ 5 (#3)

Ratings Analysis

Updates to come…


Comments Closed
Glad to see that the ratings, when compared to other programming, are strong. If only there was a way to capture how many people are waiting to binge on this show rather than deal with waiting week-to-week to find out what happens…

It was up against some big hockey playoff game though wasn’t it?

Maybe in the LA market, the game mattered – but I doubt the rest of the US cared who won between LA and Anaheim or if Boston beat Montreal.

LOL, network tv ratings have really fallen. Everyone’s watching shows on cable or online. I don’t blame them at all. I don’t know how people used to sit through commercials. 6 million viewers back in the day would be an easy cancellation, but they know people are seeing it on netflix and hulu and amazon and torrenting it.

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