E Online: Jack Bauer will get a “happy ending”

Jack Bauer

This sort of conflicts with other prior information from Howard Gordon so take it with a grain of salt, but Kristin Dos Santos from E! Online is suggesting that Jack will have a happy ending in the series finale.

Nate in Boston: Please tell us you know some scoop about the 24 finale!

We have it on good authority that Jack Bauer will actually get a happy ending…whatever that means in the land of 24.

Source: E! Online


Comments Closed
Happy Ending? As in what happens after a Thai massage? LOL

hey wait, jack is going to have a happy ending? please, someone explain me what is going on, i don’t understand and i need to know, please!!

What about that crash photos? Jack looked very injured… Anyway, Renee stabbed him earlier this season and he’s fine now. Who knows?

A happy ending? This is 24 there are no happy endings. Get your facts straight.

Lyra -Bauer-
May 4, 2010 at 8:26 pm
i still thinking that renee is alive she will be the “happy ending” of jack in the 24: Movie, it’s obvious without her jack will never have a happy ending

I’m still very convinced that she’s still alive too. I can’t explain why but I do. Everything seemed so rushed in the episode like the writers needed more time or something. Gosh I do hope she really is still alive.

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