24 Spoilers

Mary Lynn Rajskub on another ’24’ season: “it’s more a matter of when”

Mary Lynn Rajskub at the "Salt" Premiere in Los Angeles, 2010

Mary Lynn Rajskub at the "Salt" Premiere in Los Angeles, 2010

Despite showrunners Evan Katz and Manny Coto saying “there are no plans to continue the show next year” series star Mary Lynn Rajskub seems more optimistic and believe another season of the show is only a matter of time – not a question of if, but when.

Can you give anything away about the series finale?
Oh my gosh. You’re so funny. You’re not supposed to be doing that, getting me to give away things… OK… erm… The world does not get destroyed, the planet does not blow up.

That’s a good spoiler. I know you’ve been asked this question a million times, but we’re still going to ask it: what are the chances there will another outing of 24?
That’s a question we all talked about on set and there is a lot of speculation. To me, it’s more a matter of when are they going to bring it back because it’s done well and people are excited about it. My hope would be that they do some more in a year so that enough time has passed. These 12 episodes have gone by really fast and fans are like, ‘we’re ready for more’! It comes down to the producers, writers, Kiefer and everybody getting together to agree on concepts. I don’t think the network would have a problem. Have you had a chance to talk to Kiefer?

Yes, at the UK premiere – he’s loved being back!
Yeah he was excited from the get-go and took it on as a personal challenge – we had to make this good, if not better than before because expectations were so high. Kiefer’s spirit has been great throughout the whole thing.

We were also wondering if you could help clear something up: what does Jack keep in his bag?
[Laughs] People are really into the man bag. They keep tweeting about it, but I’ve abstained from commenting. It featured prominently in the Wembley Stadium episode; he kept adjusting and touching the bag. A lot of things are in the bag – weapons, wine, juice boxes…

If you could bring any 24 character back from the dead, who would it be and why?
Edgar Stiles. He didn’t deserve to die. It wasn’t fair and it still hurts, even now.

The full interview has a bit more on her personal life with hidden talents, her son starting school, talking to Sheryl Crow, and being “perfect in every way.”

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