24 The Fragrance

24 The Fragrance

What can make you smell more manlier than Old Spice? 24 The Fragrance: Inspired by Jack Bauer of course! As the official product description states, the man behind 24 The Fragrance “is masculine and self assured” – you bet your ass he is! But don’t fret ladies, for there’s also a version for you available in unisex (pictured to the right).

For a limited time ScentStory are offering a free 24 t-shirt with every bottle of 24 The Fragrance purchased. All you have to do is send them a message immediately after purchasing from their Amazon Store. T-shirts are available in small, medium, large, and extra large.

Source 24 The Fragrance


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ortalfrom israel
December 27, 2010 at 3:27 am

Might buy this to smell like Jack Bauer!

So is this distilled from Jack’s armpits around hour 23-24 of season 7, so we can also get some cool no-cure toxic bio-agent thrown in for free?

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